Navigating Change with Faith: Lessons from Abraham
Life’s transitions can be uncertain and challenging, but Abraham’s journey in Genesis 12 shows us how to navigate change with faith. Called to leave everything familiar, Abraham stepped into the unknown, trusting God’s promises without having all the details. His story teaches us that obedience comes before understanding, worship sustains us in uncertainty, and God’s plans are always bigger than our present circumstances. Whether facing a new job, a big move, or an unexpected life change, we can learn from Abraham’s faith and trust that God is leading us every step of the way.
Communal Image of God
What does it truly mean for a community to be made in the image of God? Beyond individual reflections, Jesus' teachings challenge us to embrace the greatest commandment: to love God and others. Explore how our relationships mirror God's design and why thriving, grace-filled communities are essential for reflecting His image. Dive into this insightful exploration and see how Jesus' profound simplification of the Law calls us to live in harmony with one another.
Peaceful Pieces
In life, we are constantly trying to achieve peace with God by becoming holy. However, we must understand that holiness does not mean perfection, and we will always fall short of this standard. Nevertheless, if we keep striving towards Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us, we can continue following the path of peace that Paul has shown us, and eventually discover wholeness or our Shalom.
Embodied Holiness
When you hear the term "holy living," what comes to mind? For some, it may trigger negative associations with Christianity, community, or even Jesus. This is primarily due to how the church community has taken the concept of holy living and transformed it into something that resembles what the Jewish followers of God focused on in the Old Testament. This is the opposite of what Jesus spoke about when he was physically present as the embodiment of God on earth.
Navigating Community
A community can be messy sometimes, but forgiveness is crucial for success. As Jesus taught us, loving God and others is the ultimate mandate. However, Paul's letter to the Philippi community offers specific guidelines for how a community of holiness should operate. Remembering these parameters as we strive for unity and growth together is essential for the community to be a reflection of the Kingdom.
Anchored Hope
In our lives, Jesus can make an appearance in various ways, whether it be a significant moment or a series of smaller instances that accumulate over time. Frequently, it is the consistent, minor occurrences of God's presence that leave the most meaningful impression.
Distinguished Prayer
Is prayer a noticeable characteristic of our lives? The issue raised is a fair question to ask. As Christians, we are called to be Christ-like in our thoughts and actions. If we were to be like Christ, prayer would be a noticeable part of our lives because it was for Jesus.
Mystery Of Mercy
God’s mercy is often a mystery to our understanding. Just because God shows mercy does not exclude us from judgment. See how the boldness of Nathan towards King David highlights God’s mercy and judgment.
Chosen Instrument
What does it look like to be the chosen instrument of God? God has a call on our lives, where He chooses to partner with us to see the good news about His Son spread throughout the world.
Vision Casting
How does a vision of animals falling from the sky lead to one of the greatest moments in the history of humans? Read about a vision given to the apostle Peter that would lead to the coming Spirit for all.
A Chance Moment of Revival
How did a chance encounter between Philip the Evangelist and an Ethiopian eunuch change the course of history? The Holy Spirit directed the movement in the middle of the gathering that would take it to the next level. Read how God leads us to spread the good news when we are open to His Spirit.
The Good Book
We have all had a good book in our lives, the one you can not set down—the one that transforms the way you think. King Josiah had the same experience with the Word of God. See how the Word in the flesh changed everything about the world we know.
Reclaimed Image
What was lost in the garden? When humans chose to disobey God, they lost more than their place in the garden; they set humans on a journey to reclaim the image of God through his Son, Jesus.
Eyes Of The Shameful
What do our eyes see when we look at God? The enemy tells us lies that we begin to see in ourselves, but when we look to God, we know the truth that he sees in us.
Prayer of the Barren
How can we see the story of Jesus in the life of Samuel? Listen to the prayers of their mothers to find the connection.
Empty Tomb, But The Cross Is Full
We celebrate that the tomb is empty, but let us not forget the cross was full.
It’s More Than A Foot Wash
A closer meditation of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples points us toward the cross and our justification.
Is Faith Enough?
Is faith all we need to be reconciled to God? We will explore the words of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans for insight into our justification.
What does perfection look like in the life of a believer? Jesus gives us insight through his Sermon on the Mount.