Maxims for the Christian life


1.    Do not focus on the task but focus on the people

  •   Often time when we are in ministry, we get too focused on what is right in front of us for the week. Tasks are the energy vampires of the ministry world because they take time away from the people. Ministry needs to be centered around people and community.

2.    Mean what you say, and say what you mean

  •   People listen to what you have to say and, more importantly, how you say it. Being mindful of the words you use is important from the stage to your emails. You want to make sure the message you portray is the message you want to speak into existent. 

3.    The past is in the past until it isn’t

  •    We would like to think that what has happened in the past will stay there, but this is not always the case. If a situation has not been handled properly, then the likelihood of that issue occurring again is very likely. It is no different than a disagreement with your spouse. You can be sure that if the issue were not handled properly, they would remind you about its months later at just the right moment. 

4.    People are numbers, but numbers are people

  •    This is difficult because tracking numbers to a church is essential, but we can never get to where numbers are the only important metric we report. Behind every number in your attendance is a person, a husband, wife, child, grandmother, and grandfather, and they are people like you who are searching for the love of Christ. 

5.    Hug your children’s ministry volunteers

  •   This one is a little personal for me, being a children’s pastor. I see the ins and outs of children’s ministry each week. Some things happen behind closed doors that people do not see on Sunday. Things that happen you would not believe, but you never hear about it because the team is taking care of the situation. 




The Pastor as Public Theologian